
Alex Melen
Healthy Breakfast Ingredients for the Entire Family

Healthy Breakfast Ingredients for the Entire Family

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and they’re not wrong.

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Alex Melen
The Health Benefits of Granola

The Health Benefits of Granola

Ever wondered if that granola breakfast, or mid-day snack had any health benefits? Spoiler: It does!

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Alex Melen
Coconut’s Health and Beauty Benefits

Coconut’s Health and Beauty Benefits

Doesn’t it feel like coconut sort of appeared out of nowhere? As soon as coconut flew onto the scene, it appeared like a superstar. Or, better yet, a superfood. Did you know you could survive on a deserted island on coconuts alone? Yup, it’s really that good for you. Coconut has a plethora of health and beauty benefits from the inside out. Or better yet, from the inside in. This superfood can not only work wonders on your skin and hair when applied topically, but when ingested, contains heaps of nutritional benefits for your entire body. Not only that, but...

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